Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Currency derivates trading is beneficial [creditdiagnosis]

Currency derivates trading is beneficial [creditdiagnosis]

Any number of things could bring down the enormous Derivative market including defaults, currency collapses, interest rate hikes and on and on. Not many people understand what derivatives are or how big of an issue they are. This is something that every american needs to understand and how to protect themselves.

http://leafgardenpress.com/ The .4 Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Market Better Scare You!!

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) รข€" The nation's commodity futures regulator on Tuesday voted to define which derivatives will be considered swaps, letting loose a slew of transparency-focused. Post-AIG derivatives rules unleashed by CFTC

Derivatives trading India is on a constant rise due to a few factors which has in recent times accelerated its growth. These factors include the integration and merging of the international financial markets with the national ones, means of communication has seen a lot of improvement and enhancement and the cost at which these products are available has declined sharply making it easily accessible, risk management has become more efficient and the latest tools aide the agents to procure the best strategies of risk management and lastly the derivatives market has seen a lot of innovation which has helped people combine the returns and risk together. Derivatives trading have forward, futures, options and swaps as its main products.

In the derivatives trading market, people have realized that Currency derivatives trading are highly beneficial. Hence, this industry has seen a large number of people flocking towards it. Careful management of your savings and playing the right card by calculating your moves will go a long way and enable you to earn a fortune too.

If you wish to taste success in this market, you need to realize that it is essential for you to understand more than anything else. Understand the finer nuances of the market and the constantly changing trends too. Knowing what you wish to get in return from the market will go a long way when it comes to choosing the right plan. If you are a novice in the world of Currency derivatives trading, the best option is to consult an advisor and take his assistance. They will ably guide you to make all the right decisions and their advice is sure to benefit you. Once you know all the ropes well, you can trade on your own too.

More Currency derivates trading is beneficial Issues

Question by who is #1?: Why isn't the United Nations working on the worldwide "debt crisis"? What good is the United nations if it does not tackle and solve the most pressing issue in the whole world right now, which is the debt crisis? The world is buried in debt, suffocating under mountains of unpayable debt. Many National currencies (like USA) ARE debt, borrowed into existence from the banksters at interest, while the banksters create it out of nothing for free. Every Nation owes every other Nation. The IMF enslaves and loots 3d world Nations with debt. Remember 3 years ago when we learned about 4 $ Quadrillion in credit default swaps, derivatives, etc? Bets on bets on bets with nothing underlying them and all insured. They still exist. That problem has not been solved or improved. The world is drowning in debt and the only real solution is to write a lot of it off. Admit it is all smoke and mirrors, clean the slate, and prevent the world from sliding into another Dark Age. Isn't that supposed to be the job of the United Nations? @Bob; http://www.trtam.com/category/economic-news History of money http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Andrew.Carrington.Hitchcock/The.History.of.the.Money.Changers.htm Best answer for Why isn't the United Nations working on the worldwide "debt crisis"?:

Answer by Bob
how can debt be worldwide, if the entire world is in debt who do we owe money to? the moon?

Answer by Harvey Mushman
I believe that is ultimately the goal of the UN, but first the world has to go into depression. It can not become the one world government, as long as we are solvent. I'm not one of those "blame the Masons" NWO conspiracy kooks. But it seems increasingly obvious that the banking cartels are collaborating to break the current system. And to what end? Fiat currency is useless of and by itself. Especially at the rate we print it. So there is no point in hoarding it. Karl Marx's fantasy was worldwide communism. Anyone who has laid off the pot for a few hours knows communism can never work. It flys in the face of nature. But worldwide socialism is attainable. They just have to demonize capitalism, and plunge the world into chaos. Then the socialist UN can ride in and save the day. And the banking cartels? Well, they will still have the money and the power. And a lot less strings to pull with a centralized world government.

Answer by Bad Wolf
The United Nations is simply a place for country representatives to get together and talk. It has no authority and the resolutions that come from the UN are only what the countries agree to do during these talks. Also you really need to consider the UN is more corrupt and less economically efficient that most nations. Basically they have neither the power nor the ability to accomplish what you suggest.

Answer by L.T.M.
Depressing question dude. When "We The People" start looking to the UN for answers, we're screwed big time.

Answer by BekindtoAnimals22
I'm surprised at how many people discount the power of the UN. They don't realize that the leaders of over 180 countries have all signed the same agreements. My question is why. What made George HW Bush and Jimmy Carter sign away our rights to this world organization and what makes all of the presidents since that period stick to the goals? The UN was started as a hope to end wars and make the world more concerned with humanity but what has it evolved into and was this the plan all along? The IMF is slowly taking over countries who have gone bankrupt. Their austerity programs are driving these countries into chaos. Wait until we join them after our collapse. The world government will be the result. Its already in place. The banks are still in charge. We will all be in servitude to them forever. Our future is controlled survival.

Answer by warrior
The UN is a lot like tits on a bore hog... Not always useful... One of the reasons there is a worldwide financial crisis is the UN... If the UN had teeth, it would tackle the economic crises being created by Big Oil...

[currency and credit derivatives]

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