Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Loans For People With No Credit History-Easy Cash Even If Holding Bad Credit Status

Loans For People With No Credit History-Easy Cash Even If Holding Bad Credit Status

Spain's slide down the credit-rating ladder has brought the nation within a hair of junk status and risks triggering contagion in Italy and beyond should investors completely shun its bonds. Spain Grazing Junk Status Fuels Contagion Risk: Euro Credit

www.creditexpert.co.uk Find out what's in your credit report - the name given to all the information that credit reference agencies, such as Experian, hold about your credit history. It's a mixture of publicly available information, such as the electoral roll, plus information that lenders share about how you've handled your credit accounts. Find out the truth about what and who appears on your credit report, how to see your own credit report, and how it affects what credit you get and how much you're charged.

mortgagecalculator-tips.blogspot.com Credit reports: What's in yours and how to see it

Most of the individuals believe that their imperfect credit may not allow them to avail external financial help. But it is wrong as loans for people with no credit history have been introduced in the loan market. So, when you feel agitated due to shortage of money and expecting to fall into bigger debt problems, this is one such loan option for you. So, anytime if you face lack of funds in meeting your financial emergency, trust upon this loan alternative that comes to your doorway.

Generally, loans for people with no credit history are a secured form of loan as lender has to face the risk of applicant's bad credit status. But as per your comfort, this loan can also be availed in unsecured form. However, lender may charge you high interest rate due to absence of collateral. Pledging of collateral is a must while applying for the secured form, but for the unsecured form no collateral is required. Collateral may include your home, car or any residential asset. Right after the loan amount has been repaid, you can get back your valuable asset without any hassle.

Do not leave your home or office as no credit loans can be available to you with the comfort of online method. Completing a single online application form is required. Moreover, to get the reasonable deal in hand, it is advisable to search the online web first. Comparing various loan quotes will surely end you up with the most competitive deal in hand. Moreover, you do not have to wait for loan as once you get approved, you can find the loan money direct in your checking account. It takes away the credit checking hassles from the application. So, you are eligible in every way even if you are carrying various factors. Such as:








-Skipped payments

-Missed payments etc.

Now, with loans for people with no credit history, do not let you down and get a quick financial solution without facing rejections and disapprovals.

Suggest Loans For People With No Credit History-Easy Cash Even If Holding Bad Credit Status Issues

Question by : Credit Report Status Questions? I have two credit cards that I haven't been able to pay on in the last 6 months or so. I have been ignoring calls from the companies but have just been giving some money to go towards paying off these debts. I want to find out if the credit card company still holds the debt or whether they have offloaded it to a collection agency, so I ran my credit report and got the following info: Creditor #1 Balance: $ 17,494 Date Updated: 08/2010 High Balance: $ 17,639 Credit Limit: $ 19,000 Past Due: >$ 1,164< Terms: Minimum $ 349 Pay Status: >120 Days Past Due< Account Type: Revolving Account Date Opened:10/2004 Loan Type: Credit Card >Maximum delinquency of 120+ days in 08/2010 for $ 1,164< Creditor #2 Balance: $ 12,058 Date Updated: 09/2010 High Balance: $ 12,058 Past Due: >$ 12,058< Pay Status: >Collection Account< Account Type: Open Account Date Opened: 11/2005 Date Closed: 07/2010 Loan Type: Credit Card Remark: Account closed by credit grantor What does this mean? Should I contact the credit card companies directly to negotiate a settlement? Thanks Steve Best answer for Credit Report Status Questions?:

Answer by JIM
You could have avoided all this if you had contacted both creditors immediately you realized you were running into difficulty. They would then have worked something out with you. If everybody did this, collection agencies would go out of business. It is unlikely, having left is so long, that either creditor woul accept a settlement less than the full balance owed. Did it not occur to you that ignoring calls from the creditors automatically labels you as a person deliberately trying to avoid payment. The first creditor hasn't referred the delinquent account yet but the second creditor has. Second creditor has washed his hands of you completely.

Answer by Judy
Creditor 1 = you can still call the credit card company. Creditor 2 - you have to contact the collection agency. Note: They only settle and negotiate if you have payment to make in full and immediately. A collection agency - will NOT take payments if you want to settle. Also note: You are heading down a bad slope. Get a book on Credit and Debt Repair. Employers check reports, so do landlords and car insurance companies. It can ruin your life - take care of all this ASAP with a good book. /

[credit hold status]

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