Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Free Credit-History Check [creditdiagnosis]

Free Credit-History Check [creditdiagnosis]

Question by mim: Bad credit history in UK??????What can i do to help??? I have a friend she never seemed to have problems but a few days ago she told me she would like to check her credit history but she is afraid...........I asked why??? She said she wants to apply for a certain jobs and credit check is required she than told me that 5 years back she had a credit card that she did not pay and moved somewhere else so she didnt know if the bank have looked for her or else (she says they didnt...) as she stopped using their services...She said it was not a lots of money (2500 pounds) but at the time she could not pay and she never went back as she was afraid to do so.....So now i told her that i think that they would not keep records such long time but i really was not sure when i told her that.......Is there anybody that really knows what the banks laws are i really would like to give her advise she is very very good friend of mine.....and also great person...thanks a lots........ you know laywer i have spoken to her again and she acctually (i think) needs serious advise i mean personal who could help her it is also kind a difficult for me to do it over distanse but i really wish to be able to help....i gave her the links but i dont think they helped .she said that the credit repport does not show up as it says not enough info ..is it possible she is not on the list or what.... Best answer for Bad credit history in UK??????What can i do to help???:

Answer by No2islam
The ONLY thing to do in this situation is go to experian.co.uk and order an online credit report, or go here: http://www.experian.co.uk/consumer/index.html and download their form, fill it in, send it off with a £2 postal order (from the post office) and wait until it arrives. If you send the letter Recorded Delivery you will get the credit report faster (as they have to send it within 28 days, and if you have proof of when they received your your application it makes them hurry up) Then and only then can you decide what to do. Unpaid debts (court Judgements) remain on your record for 6 years, after which period you can ask to have them removed. If it turns out she still has this bad debt against her name, then she can either wait another year and have it cleared - she needs to find out the exact date of judgement, which will be on the credit report - or she can pay it and take proof of payment to the court that originally issued the judgement, and obtain a Satisfaction of Debt from the court which she should then send a copy of to Experian with a letter of request to remove the bad debt. Bear in mind that when she sends off the request for the credit report, that the credit agencies will know where she lives... so I would strongly advise that she writes a friend's address so if they come looking for her they won't find her. Get it? :) Need any more advice, email me.

Answer by Lawyer
she is in a credit ref. agency and the debt collectors are looking for her She can obtain her credit files from Experian and Equifax and she can check if there is any specific info If She is in the credit ref. agency she can contact them and request to settled the debt. The bad thing is that she has to pay at least 5 times the money she owes and it will take at least 6 months for her name to clear About the time....sometimes it is 5 years(minor ex: £300 ) but in most cases the files stay for 13 years

Answer by Jenni f
Bad credit these days squashing people like anything.. You are in the united kingdom, right? Have seen lots of people asking info on bad credits. Well, if you need to get your problem solved onarrange loans or other finance, and usually means you will pay more interest on any loan you take out.

Answer by

[credit history check uk]

www.creditexpert.co.uk Improve your credit rating and credit score with the Credit Expert. If you're curious about your credit rating, visit my personal website, http You'll earn more about your credit rating and score. Enjoy it for 30 days absolutely free. No, No, I insist. Did you know, my diary records when to pay bills so they can always be paid on time. I keep all my paid bills - some are even framed on a wall in my house. Why? Well, I became such an expert by using CreditExpert - I regularly log in, however busy I am, to ensure I'm on top of my credit rating. I make sure my contact details are up to date so CreditExpert can send me email alerts about changes to my report. Why not try it yourself?

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They can do nothing that you can't do yourself, so you might was well save the money. The first thing to do is to correct any errors in your credit history. You can report errors to the credit agencies along with a request that they correct them; this ... Want a good credit card deal? Then fix your credit rating

You've been slapped with a sub-prime credit rating. Is it the end of the world? Not at all.

People get sub-prime credit ratings for several reasons. A lot of the time, it isn't your fault. One way this may occur is that you might get a blemished credit rating just because somebody at the credit bureau entered someone else's wrong info by mistake. For example, if someone sharing your name defaulted on a loan, went bankrupt, or had some other type of financial hardship, that person's information could have gotten into your credit report by mistake and should be taken out. These sorts of mistakes can be pricey, naturally, but they are still honest mistakes. And if they only occur sometimes, they should not negatively have an affect your credit report.

Why do Folk Have Bad Credit? Just as natural disasters are phenomena that humans can't control, sub-prime credit is one of those things that you cannot control either - but only up to a certain extent.

By this we mean that mistakes are committed by 3rd parties like in the examples we cited earlier. Many are a consequence of clerical error.

There are other reasons why individuals have poor credit : being fired the job - sadly, we reside in an era of downsizing. Companies are slashing their budgets and trimming down staff numbers. When you're laid off unexpectedly, this can trigger off a string of events, some of which may have an affect your credit standing;

divorce is another well-liked reason for credit problems - credit advisers say that this is one of the commoner reasons for earning a blemished credit rating. When assets have to be divided up between hubby and better half and there are alimony and child support payments looming in the horizon, cash becomes scarce;

Finally, the one situation that many Americans finish up in and that can be evaded is just overspending on "frivolous" costs that they do not need.

To try that, they "borrow" money from credit cards to live outside their means when it's simply not obligatory. Increasingly, today, society lives on "plastic," and many have two, three, four or more cards that they use at will to buy things on credit they could do without. When you read something that you believe is false or incorrect in the report, write a letter instantly and ask for evidence or suggest that the report be corrected right away. Whatever you are saying to the credit bureau should be executed in writing. Discipline in spending works in your favor - banks are more inclined to lending cash to individuals who exhibit prudence;

When you pay off card debt, you wish to pay the highest interest rate credit card off first. To do this, you must make the minimum payments on all of your other cards, and then apply the remainder of your cash to the highest interest rate Visa card you have. Do this each month until the top rate credit card is paid off, and then move on down to the subsequent highest interest rate credit card. credit card. Make minimum payments on all your other cards, and then take the balance of your allotment and put it all on the highest interest rate card card you have. This should occur comparatively quickly, as long as you practice discipline and diligence.

Finally, ensure you pay your debts punctually. Making mortgage, use, tax and other bill payments on time shows that you are diligent and careful in your purchasing practices and this could reflect definitely in your credit score. So if you have blemished credit, do not panic. Simply taking some care to pay bills on time and be careful in your expenditure, as well as keeping a careful watch on your credit reports from all three bureaus, will bring you back to good standing in very little time.

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