France, Austria and Italy are all set for credit rating downgrades by ratings agency Standard & Poor's. France and Austria will both hold AA+ ratings, while Italy, formerly an A-rated country, will hold a BBB+. More countries are expected to be downgraded in the next few hours. Speaking on France 2 television, Francois Baroin said his country's notification was a "half-surprise". "It is not good news," he said, but insisted the country was taking the right direction. "The markets had perhaps anticipated the move, which is why their reaction was moderated this afternoon." Standard And Poors Standard and Poor's have not yet confirmed the news The country insisted it would not implement more austerity measures, despite the downgrade, but would stick toits planned reforms. The euro fell to a 17-month low on the currency markets amid early reports of the news - the latest in the eurozone crisis - and stock markets across the world also declined. It is understood the agency will confirm the announcement after markets close in the US. French president Nicolas Sarkozy held crisis talks with key ministers after news of the downgrade emerged. You can say a lot of things about Standard & Poor's, but the one thing you cannot question is their sense of timing. Read economics editor Ed Conway's analysis here Other countries within the single market are also at risk of a downgrade by the prominent ratings agency, among them Slovakia. A French downgrade is significant due to the ... Eurozone Downgrade France Austria and Italy Lose Credit Ratings In Standard And Poors
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Notifications is the way of sending formal message to exporters, importers and other authorities to alert and update them on the recent changes in trade policies and Exim schemes.
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) is the agency of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India responsible for administering laws regarding foreign trade and foreign investment in India.
For promoting export and import, makes Exim policy and it also amend it from time to time.
DGFT sends the messages to importers, exporters and other authorities through notifications,
Public notices and circulars. DGFT notifications whenever it makes any amendment in the Foreign Trade Policy, Amendment in the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items, amendments in the reward/incentive Schemes like DEPB, duty drawback and EPCG.
Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) is a part of the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It deals with the tasks of formulation of policy concerning levy and collection of Customs and Central Excise duties, prevention of smuggling and administration of matters relating to Customs, Central Excise and Narcotics to the extent under CBEC's purview. The Board is the administrative authority for its subordinate organizations, including Custom Houses and the Central Revenues Control Laboratory.
Central Board of excise and customs also publish notifications. There are two types of notifications Issued by CBEC (a) Tariff Notifications (b) Non Tariff Notifications.
In customs tariff notifications, customs provides information regarding Exemption of Custom duty on goods, changes in custom duty on goods, anti-dumping duty on imports of specific items etc
In customs non tariff notifications- customs provides information regarding Rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency every month, Amendments of custom Regulations and other amendments in custom acts and rules.
Central Excise tariff notifications provides information regarding exemption from Excise duty on certain goods. Levy/changes of excise duty of certain goods and other information related to central excise duties.
central excise non-tariff notifications provides information regarding, Amendment in the CENVAT Credit Rules, amends Central Excise Rules.
In service tax notification you can find information regarding Taxation Rules, Service Tax Rules and other information regarding service tax.
Apart from notifications, customs and central excise publish circulars and instructions. Through instructions CBEC communicate their messages to All Director Generals,
All Chief Commissioners of customs and All Commissioners of customs.
Reserve Bank Of India (RBI), Formulates, implements and monitors the monetary policy, Manages the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, Issues and exchanges or destroys currency and coins not fit for circulation, Performs a wide range of promotional functions to support national objectives.
RBI issues Notifications regarding Amendments to the Prevention of Money Laundering Rules, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating of Financial Terrorism (CFT) - Standards, Guidelines on Base Rate etc.
Related Dgft Notification, Custom Notifications, Rbi Notification, Issues
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